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Squirrels In The Attic | Identification & Removal


One of the most common signs that you have squirrels in your attic is hearing strange noises. Squirrels are active during the day, so if you hear scurrying or scratching sounds coming from your attic, it’s likely that you have a squirrel (or multiple squirrels) living up there.

Squirrels are also known to make chattering noises, which can sound like birds or rodents. If you hear these kinds of noises coming from your attic, it’s a good indication that you have squirrels living there.

Another telltale sign that you have squirrels in your attic is if you start seeing them around your home more often than usual. If squirrels are living in your attic, they’ll likely come down from the attic to forage for food or water.

Squirrels are known to fight with each other for territory and dominance, so if you notice squirrels fighting or chasing others, they might be nesting in your home.

Another sign that you have squirrels in your attic is if you start finding droppings around your home. Squirrels will leave droppings wherever they go and you may find them in your attic, on your porch, or even in your yard.

Squirrels are messy eaters and they will leave behind droppings and urine, which can cause a terrible smell.

If you find a nest in your attic, it’s another sign that a squirrel family is living in your space. Squirrels will build nests out of anything they can find, including leaves, twigs, and even your insulation.

If you notice holes in your siding, it’s another sign that squirrels might be living in your attic. Squirrels will gnaw on wood to sharpen their teeth and they will also use these same holes to enter and exit your home.

Squirrels will gnaw on electrical wires, chew through wood—which can lead to strucutral damage—and tear up insulation in order to build their nests. If you start seeing damage to your home, it’s time to call a professional to schedule an inspection.

There are a few ways that squirrels can get into your attic. The most common way is by climbing up trees and then jumping onto your roof. Once they’re on the roof, they will look for any openings or holes that they can squeeze through to get into your attic.

Another way that squirrels can get into your attic is by chewing through your roof. Squirrels have very sharp teeth that they use to gnaw on things. If there’s a weak spot in your roof, they will be able to chew through it and get into your attic that way.

What Attracts Squirrels To The Attic?

There are a few things that can attract squirrels to your attic.

  • One of the biggest attractions is an easy food source. If you have bird feeders in your yard, the squirrels will be attracted to the seeds. They will also be attracted to any nuts or fruit that might be left out.
  • Another attraction for squirrels is a sheltered place to nest. If your attic is dark and quiet, it can be the perfect place for a squirrel to build a nest. 
  • Finally, squirrels are attracted to places where they can find mates. If there are other squirrels living in your attic, it’s likely that more will come looking for a mate.

How to Get Rid of Squirrels In The Attic

If you are looking to get squirrels out of your attic for good, you should consider:

  • Setting up a live trap—You can bait the squirrel trap with food, such as peanut butter or sunflower seeds, and then release the squirrels far away from your home.
  • Installing a squirrel-proof exclusion device—This is a one-way door that allows squirrels to exit your attic but not re-enter.
  • Scaring the squirrels away with loud noises or by using a bright light—However, these methods are not always effective and may just cause the squirrels to move to another part of your home.
  • Using squirrel repellent—There are many commercial repellents available, or you can make your own using ingredients like cayenne pepper and vinegar.
  • Calling a professional squirrel removal service—They will be able to safely and effectively remove the squirrels from your home.

*If you notice squirrel nests and suspect that they might contain baby squirrels, you should immediately call an expert wildlife technician. You should never attempt to move the baby squirrels, especially as mother squirrels will likely come for her babies when she hears them crying and are known to be very protective of their young.

How To Keep Squirrels Out Of Your Attic

Squirrels can squeeze through surprisingly small openings, so it's important to inspect your entire home, both inside and out. Start by looking for any holes or cracks in your foundation, then check the roofline and eaves for gaps. Be sure to also check around windows, doors, and chimneys. Once you've found the entry point, you can seal it off with hardware cloth, metal flashing, wire mesh, or another type of durable material.

Make sure to allow current wild animals to leave your home by installing a one-way door at the entry point to allow the squirrels to exit your home but not re-enter.

Call Paske Pest Control & Wildlife Solutions

Whether you need help removing squirrels from your home or are looking for tips to pest-proof your home year-round, call the pest control experts at Paske. With our experience and expertise, we will be able to help you get rid of squirrels quickly and safely. Contact us today to learn more or check out our squirrel control service page.

There are 7 different squirrel types that are common in Missouri and around St. Louis:

  • The Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)
  • The Gray Squirrel (S. carolinensis)
  • The Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans)
  • Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus)
  • Groundhog or Woodchuck (Marmota monax)
  • Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus)
  • Franklin's Ground Squirrel (Poliocitellus franklinii)

Squirrels may seem cute and harmless, but they can actually be quite dangerous. While they don’t typically attack humans, they can carry diseases, ticks, and fleas that can be harmful to humans.

They can also cause damage to your home. If they nest in your attic, they can chew through electrical wiring, which could start a fire.

If you think you have squirrels in your attic, it’s best to call a professional to have them removed. Trying to remove them yourself can be dangerous and may not be effective.


Squirrels can carry diseases that are harmful to humans, such as rabies and the hantavirus. If you’re bitten by a squirrel or come into contact with its urine or feces, you could be at risk for these diseases.

Squirrels have sharp teeth that they use to gnaw on food and chew through wood. They can also use their teeth to bite if they feel threatened. While their bites typically aren’t dangerous to humans, they can be painful and may cause infection.

Squirrels are known to eat nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. If they’ve made their way into your home, they may also eat your food.

Squirrels are most active during the day, but they can also be active at night. If you hear noises in your attic or see squirrels running around your property, it’s likely that they’ve made their way into your home.